Automate Demand and Supply Plan

Location: Philadelphia
The Client

A global health and wellness focused consumer products company, known for its premium quality and innovative products.

Client operates in multiple markets worldwide, with a diverse customer base and a wide distribution network, which drives complexities in terms of ensuring seamless operations across different regions, managing supply chain complexities, and meeting the demands of it’s fast-growing customer base.

Project Statistics

Client Team Member: 4

Ignatiuz Team Members: 3

Project Duration: 10 Weeks

Business Issue

The company’s manual data entry on spreadsheets led to errors and inconsistencies, hindering operations.


Recognizing the need for a transformative solution, Accelance implemented a customized Robotic Process Automation (RPA) solution specifically designed to automate the entire supply planning and net requirement process. This digital knight took the following steps:



75% reduction in
processing time

Faster Order Generation


Elimation of manual data entry errors

Eliminated human