What is a Timesheet?

Employees are at the core of any business as they play a pivotal role in ensuring business continuity, success, growth by enabling top-notch customer satisfaction. They are the catalysts who go the extra mile to realize the vision and mission and key objectives of the business. Thus, employee productivity is of utmost importance for businesses and must be gauged in an efficient manner. Here comes the role of a timesheet.

A timesheet is a document or record wherein employees record their tasks and accomplishments on a daily basis, which is further submitted to the line manager or the team leader for approval. Timesheets play a crucial role in justifying the contribution of the employees towards the business in a consistent manner. From the employer’s standpoint, timesheets are crucial to maintain an equilibrium in task allocation, gauge project status, keep a tab on the project timeline. Moreover, timesheets can also be leveraged as means to appreciate the contributions of key contributors. Technological advancements and innovations have been paving their way into most aspects of a business’s function. The office 365 timesheet is the new way for modern businesses today.

How Traditional Timesheets Work? And, Why Traditional Timesheets Should be Replaced?

Let’s understand a bit about the functioning of traditional timesheets. Traditional timesheets used to be paper-based; an employee has to physically make a paper-based entry of his/her log-in and log-out times, and their daily deliverables. These records would be then submitted on a weekly or bimonthly basis to the team leader for evaluation purposes. You can notice the shortcoming here; these paper-based entries are not at all reliable as they are susceptible to manipulation and can’t be physically verified for authenticity. Punch cards were next in the line, which were used to clock-in the employees’ arrivals and departures. Well, the issue with punch cards is that employees have to wait in a queue for their turn and this may altogether give a false idea about the employees’ work duration. Most importantly, these time tracking approaches lack a detailed view of the employees’ contributions. This calls for reliable, cutting-edge timesheet solutions!

What is Office 365 Timesheet App?

The Office 365 Timesheet App is built to address the above-mentioned challenges encountered by businesses of all sizes, and complexity. It is a productive way of tracking hours spent by employees on all tasks under different projects within the business’s SharePoint environment. It is an easy-to-use app that can seamlessly be integrated with the SharePoint 2013, SharePoint 2016, and SharePoint Online (Office 365) systems.

Businesses on the path of growth and expansion witness considerable growth in their workforce size. And, keeping track of each employees’ work contribution may seem challenging and non-scalable. Businesses can leverage the Office 365 Timesheet App to eliminate all these challenges.

Manage Timesheets Using Modern Automation Apps With Office 365

Here are the key reasons for using a new-age timesheet app.

  • To monitor employee’s contribution on a daily basis and to optimize the workflow in a seamless manner
  • To bill more accurately for the projects and take up more projects based on the employees’ bandwidth
  • To enhance the human resource management and payroll processes throughout the business
  • To keep a track of project-specific budgets and to ensure not to overshoot them under any circumstances

Why Use Office 365 Timesheet App from Ignatiuz?

Ignatiuz offers Office 365 Timesheet App in three editions such as the Standard, Professional, and Enterprise.
Here are some of the key features of Ignatiuz’s Office Timesheet App.

  • Allows businesses to create unlimited projects and tasks within their SharePoint environment.
  • Employees can record their daily hours spent that can be submitted as a weekly report for the superior’s perusal.
  • These apps are available for both Android and iOS platforms and thus are highly apt, and scalable.
  • The manager can review and approve employee timesheets available in digital formats on-the-go.
  • Avidly helpful in payroll management and employee performance appraisals.
  • Enables precise, accurate, and unbiased reporting.
  • Data always remain secure within the SharePoint instance.
  • Timesheets can be exported into Excel/PSD/CSV formats.
  • Equipped with Power BI integration.
  • Can be integrated with Microsoft Timesheet or Smartsheet efficiently.

Now, let’s discuss the benefits of leveraging a timesheet app from the employees’ and businesses’ perspectives.


Employees can record/save their daily work details as drafts, which can be submitted on a weekly basis. They have the flexibility to make changes in the draft timesheets before submitting them for approval. They can categorically flag their tasks as billable or non-billable.


Businesses are set to benefit immensely from the timesheet apps with a fast, accurate, and error-proof time tracking mechanism. Team leaders or superiors have the authority to approve, reject, or add comments to the submitted timesheets. These timesheet apps come with easy-to-use interfaces, are compatible with multiple browsers. Businesses can add unlimited projects to the apps, can map multiple employees to a particular project or a manager, etc.



Having said that, it’s important that businesses opt for the best timesheet app to reap the maximum benefits. Ignatiuz’s Microsoft 365 Timesheet App is a robust tool that helps businesses in tracking their employee performance with ease, efficiency, and convenience. This is a user-friendly add-in that can be seamlessly integrated with SharePoint versions, 2013 and 2016 as well as with Office 365 (SharePoint online).

Ignatiuz’s Office 365 timesheet software is also scalable – the Microsoft Teams timesheet app will, thus, meet your current business needs and future requirements. It is a productive, and cost-effective solution for recording, and analyzing employee timesheets.

If you are eager to discover more about the Office 365 Timesheet software, make sure to be transparent with your employees about the various advantages that the app offers. Once you do this, your employees will see how they can stand to gain from using the timesheet software.