Employees, the core assets of any organization, have pivotal roles to play when it comes to daily operations, assisting organizations to realize their short, and long-term objectives and in their growth, and expansion journey. Employee productivity is a key organizational KPI that can make or break an organization, and thus it needs utmost attention from the organizational C-suite. In this blog, we will be discussing how to improve employee productivity with timesheet software.

Timesheets have been imperative from time immemorial and going strong in recent times too. However, at the outset of the latest technical trends, advancements, and innovations, timesheets have gone through a paradigm shift too and turned into timesheet software. They are no more paper-based log books where employees clock in and out and mention the daily tasks. Considering the need to stay abreast of the recent trends and competition, organizations are embracing the concept of online employee timesheet software and mobile applications.

Despite the wide-scale popularity, and demand of timesheet applications, many organizations are hesitant to take the last mile or are encountering hurdles in the full-fledged implementation. Here is how timesheet software can come in handy to boost employee productivity in more than one way.

How Does Timesheet Software Work?

A timesheet software essentially tracks the employees’ productive time spent in tasks both billable, and non-billable. This helps in the payroll management, employee performance review, and appraisal management aspects, and enables organizations to look at the resource allocation, and utilization in an optimal manner.

Here’s how a typical timesheet application works.

While the basic work principle remains the same, the features may vary from timesheet application to application. Here are some of the most coveted timesheet application features that organizations need to watch out for.

Automated Time Tracking – Bid goodbye to the hassles of manual, cumbersome, and time-inefficient time tracking with online timesheet software. This automated time tracking feature helps employees record their daily tasks, stop/resume the timers, and even block specific slots for respective tasks for streamlining their day.

Offline Tracking – With the evident work-from-home culture, the internet has been the great rescuer of all times. On the off chance that an employee does not have internet connectivity or a steady one, the offline tracking feature of a timesheet software allows the employees to record their daily activities and sync the offline and online details.

Holistic Project Overview – With a timesheet application, employers don’t have to break their heads over having a real-time, and holistic view of all their projects. The timesheet app efficiently records and visually represents the employees’ contribution in each project at different phases, and intervals.

Client Invoicing – With most organizations having the bill/hour pricing and invoice model with their clientele, accurate timesheets are paramount. The timesheet app records and differentiates between billable and non-billable tasks and hours so that it is helpful to raise precise invoices without any room for human errors.

Analytics and Reporting – Robust analytics and reporting features are highly essential for both employees and the organization. This will help organizations derive employee productivity stats and compensate or award them rightfully.

Skyrocket Employee Productivity with Timesheet Software

Here are key ways organizations can leverage a timesheet software for skyrocketing employee productivity.

Gauging Areas of Improvement

Timesheet applications track the productive time of employees as well as their idle time or time spent on non-billable activities. These applications also track time spent on each task, so, in case a task is taking more time, employers can revisit the scenario and sort out the challenges. This will help gauge the areas of improvement and adopt necessary courses of action.

Go Paperless

In today’s day and time, paper-heavy transactions are no longer appreciated or recommended. And, the same holds true for time tracking as well. Employees can’t really mention each of their productive tasks on a sheet of paper, and employers too, don’t have time to navigate through stacks of timesheet logs and ascertain their productive time. Here comes the role of a robust timesheet application. It captures the time spent on each task by employees in an automated manner, sends out requisite email notifications, checks out update requests, and approves tasks on the go.

Burnout Avoidance

Timesheet applications offer insights into employee productivity time, and also break reminders. Employees who are overworked might not stay productive all the time. So, this feature comes quite in handy. Besides, timesheet tools ascertain if a particular employee is idle for some time and is working less than expected. This helps in the even distribution of work, and projects.

Enhanced Accountability

There is no buck-passing game with robust timesheet software. The owner of each task or subtask is clearly mentioned on the tool, and any delays or discrepancies in deliverables can be traced effectively to the employee accountable. So, there is a higher sense of responsibility towards the project deliverables.

Wrapping Up

The market is replete with cutting-edge timesheet software and Ignatiuz’s Office 365 Timesheet App is slated at the top, and rightfully so. Being available in standard, professional, and enterprise versions with varying features, this is a pragmatic, robust, and scalable tech solution that is all set to assist organizations in their growth journey.

Do connect with the experts at Ignatiuz to explore more! We will be happy to furnish any sort of information you wish to access on timesheet applications.