What is the Office 365 Timesheet Plugin?

The Office 365 Timesheet Plugin is a time tracking cloud app that helps monitor the progress of different ongoing projects and the hours spent by each workforce on those projects. Ideally, the app is best suited for small to medium-sized enterprises that need to evaluate how efficiently their employees are working and use it as a basis to streamline operational productivity.

In simple terms, it is a record of how much time an employee spends on particular projects, tasks, and campaigns. Though this data can be managed on paper or in a spreadsheet, using software like Office 365 Timesheet Plugin can help maintain robust data with ease. Timesheet software can be used to lower tedious work on the human resource part where it helps to calculate an employee’s salary for the day or month by tracking the working hours. This timesheet dedicated tool also has a workflow of proper submission and approvals between the employees and managers amongst different projects.

7 Benefits of Office 365 Timesheet Plugin For Your Business

Using Office 365 to track time for subsequent projects undoubtedly helps the business improve its operational capacity, employee productivity, customer service, and build a reputation in the marketplace. As these terms are directly related to generating profits in the long run, it is indispensable to dedicate a user-friendly system that monitors employee work performance in a real-time environment.

Numerous modern time tracking plugins are available in the market these days. The problem, however, is that most are too complicated to sync in the company’s current setting. Usually, a large number of people need to access real-time information about employees working onboard and need to stay up to date, on time, and within budget.

Using Office 365 Timesheet Software will let fewer modifications and faster processing which in turn shortens the billing cycle. Just get that your timesheet plugin is compatible with a variety of desktop and mobile operating systems and browsers and ensure a smooth transition within your working environment.

Let’s look into the impeccable benefits of the Office 365 Timesheet Plugin.

Improved employee efficiency

The efficiency of the workforce is directly related to the improved operational capacity of the business. You can be sure of productivity when employee’s working hours are continuously and accurately monitored. On the employee’s end, this is advantageous too because this will help them finish the tasks timely. The Office 365 Timesheet app is the best way to bring satisfaction among employees and managers and create a healthy environment in the office.

Productive and motivated employees always help the company perform better in terms of sales and revenue. When the morale of the employees is high, they add to the growth of the company at the same time.

Advantages to managers and team leads

Project goals and objectives, whereas, are defined by the customer or stakeholders, and a project manager reinforces methodologies to generate a plan that links the resources, tasks, milepost, and deliverables to reach those goals. This plan also adheres to multiple constraints, such as limitations of time, cost, and scope that apply to every project.

The key factor that differentiates project management from management is the use of resources within a given time frame to get the project delivered to the customers. For an organization, management is a never-ending process. And project managers must be experienced and efficient to deliver the on-time and on-budget results. They need to have a wide spectrum of skills (mainly technical and operational), team spirit, and the ability to utilize resources effectively.

Compatible with other systems

The Office 365 Timesheet Plugin can easily be integrated with other systems such as accounting, CRM, and ERP within the company. This is highly beneficial for small to medium-scale enterprises that need to monitor employee efficiency to generate comprehensive reports.

Mobile functionalities

Office 365 Timesheet Plugin comes with mobile-friendly functionalities. Resources who want to access it on the go can easily update information from anywhere at any time using a smartphone or tablet. On the other hand, managers will have access to the latest data updated in real-time across all systems.

Better customer experience

Customer service is one of the key factors that contribute to a brand’s sustainability and profitability. With a streamlined business process and improved operational capacity, customer service is sure to improve. Employees also remain motivated and productive which enriches the customer experience.

The best example of using Timesheet Plugin can be for marketing and sales where the employees who are left on the field can easily manage their work status using mobile. The accounting team can immediately track the status and send an invoice to the customer. Customers usually enjoy such prompt action and likely come back to you the next time.

Improved reporting competence

Easy to use and work, Timesheet Plugins can be easily transited to the current system of the company. The problem comes when the employees have to do everything manually but using the software would automatically allow them to make their time reports and access it anytime. The software would automatically pick from it and generate a timesheet report of the employee.

For administrators also there is less trouble because of the standard and organized format of reports at every level.

Improved brand reputation

The right tracking system will also add to improved brand reputation. If the customers are constantly satisfied with your output, they will help the brand grow by promoting its impeccable and agile services. This is one big benefit that boosts the revenue of the company without actually spending an amount.

How Can Ignatiuz Help Your Business?

Timesheet Plugins are important for successful project management. Using Office 365 Timesheet App will help maintain employee track records on a cloud space and lets you access the data of all the employees in a real-time environment.

Effective Timesheets not only help with management accounting and payroll processing, but it also helps to meet project deadlines and keep a tab on the cost. Investing in Ignatiuz’s Office 365 timesheet software will assist your business gain control of operations within and grow competitively in the market.

Contact us for more information!

Ignatius’s Office 365 Timesheet software is featured with all the attributes to make it possible for organizations to track time and expenses in real-time. It is a simple add-in for SharePoint 2013, SharePoint 2016, and SharePoint Online (Office 365).