Automate Direct Procurement

Location: Philadelphia
The Client

A global health and wellness focused consumer products company, known for its premium quality and innovative products.

Client operates in multiple markets worldwide, with a diverse customer base and a wide distribution network, which drives complexities in terms of ensuring seamless operations across different regions, managing supply chain complexities, and meeting the demands of it’s fast-growing customer base.
Project Statistics

Client Team Member: 5

Ignatiuz Team Members: 3

Project Duration: 5 Weeks

Business Issue

The procurement team seeks to streamline the conversion of demand and supply plans into individual purchase orders for contract manufacturers. The current procurement system in Microsoft Navision is inefficient and error-prone, requiring significant time and effort to generate individual purchase orders for each product from various suppliers with specific delivery dates. This results in a high level of non-productive work for the procurement team as they manage monthly direct purchase orders for every item.


To address the identified challenges, Accelance initiated a transformative approach by deploying a tailored Robotic Process Automation (RPA) solution to automate the direct procurement workflow.

This digital initiative involved the following steps:



60% reduction in
processing time

Faster Order Generation

Faster order

Elimation of manual data entry errors

Elimination of manual
data entry errors