Businesses Struggle to Come Up with the Safest Option to Reopen

The COVID-19 pandemic is far from over. Though the number of positive cases is receding there are still concerns such as recovering patients, recurrent infections, new viral strains, and a host of other aspects. In the quest of resuming normalcy, businesses are looking forward to reopening their on-premise daily operations. However, the safety of employees and other stakeholders such as clients, customers visiting businesses still remains susceptible. At this juncture, an automated temperature screening kiosk seems the best possible solution to save the day and help businesses reopen safely.

What is a Temperature Screening Kiosk?

temperature screening kiosk is a contactless scanner that has been proven beneficial in mass temperature vetting purposes. It leverages a proximity reader to recognize the individual presence, and gauge the temperature of the individual without getting into any physical contact. It comes seamlessly integrated with communication applications as well. It is the key technological innovation that has emerged as the savior during the COVID-19 pandemic and the post-pandemic era where businesses are planning to reopen safely.

Role of Temperature Kiosks in the Workplace

Businesses eager to resume their operations should ideally embrace and test out the concept of temperature reading kiosks. However, there are still some businesses that are unsure about the efficacy of these kiosks. With temperature screening kiosks, the health-related information of employees, and other people present on business premises are highly safe and secure. The information is conveyed only to the particular individual and not divulged to anyone else under any circumstances.

With robust temperature screening kiosks at business premises, the screening processes become not only convenient but also scientifically accurate too. These kiosks play a pivotal role in identifying potential risk locations and take necessary preventive measures to prevent the further spread of COVID-19 infection at offices; employees or clients with elevated temperatures are suggested from not entering common premises and are suggested for further investigations.

Various Prevalent Options for Temperature Scanning

The age-old tool for measuring body temperature, the thermometer does not hold any application in the COVID-19 pandemic due to social distancing, scalability, reusability challenges. The next option for temperature scanning is handheld devices, which became quite popular in the COVID-19 era, and became a household tool. Though they are portable, easy to use, and cost-effective, adhering to social distancing is not possible with handheld devices. So, a temperature reading kiosk is considered an apt option for accurate, efficient, and contactless temperature measurement.

Temperature Kiosks versus Handheld Scanners

When it comes to kiosks versus handheld scanners, temperature kiosks are going to steal the limelight and rightfully so. Wondering why? Well, for starters, with kiosks the social distancing guidelines can be stringently adhered to while measuring individual temperature. Handheld temperature scanning devices make it difficult to keep a 2-yard distance between the concerned parties. Secondly, kiosks are automated, so the need for manual supervision does not exist. Businesses don’t have to have a dedicated team of staff to manually administer the entire temperature screening process, which makes the optimal utilization of time, and resources possible.

Capabilities of the Temperature Screening Kiosks

Some of the key capabilities of the COVID temperature kiosk are:

Facial Recognition:

Employees’ details are fed into the system so that the system can automatically recognize them.

Mask Detection:

The kiosk comes equipped with advanced AI to recognize individuals wearing masks without any error.

Heimann Sensor:

The Heimann Sensor can recognize and capture different levels of infrared light to accurately and rapidly scan the body temperature of users within 3 feet of the touch-free display.

Other Benefits that Temperature Screening Kiosks Can Offer

Investing in a temperature screening kiosk will assist businesses in staying ahead in the curve. Remote screening kiosks are proven to be beneficial in alerting businesses to identify employees, or other people on their premises with elevated temperature for further screening, and investigation. This will be helpful in containing the further spread of coronavirus.

Remote temperature screening kiosks help businesses in saving a lot on time, cost, and resources, which otherwise would have been spent on procuring handheld devices, training staff, etc. These kiosks are easy, and simple to design, are user-friendly, and effectively offer the desired temperature screening results. The easy-to-use feature of a body temperature scanner by Ignatiuz makes it avidly popular among large enterprises and other industrial establishments. Businesses don’t have to employ a dedicated workforce with a certain amount of technical expertise to monitor and manage the temperature screening process on a daily basis to safely reopen their on-premise operations.

How Can Ignatiuz Help With DAiZO Temperature Screening Kiosk?


Ignatiuz has been a key leader in the IT, technology, and innovation space and strives to assist businesses irrespective of their domain, size, and complexity in solving their key challenges with cutting-edge tech-led solutions. During the pandemic era of COVID-19, Ignatiuz has assisted a plethora of industrial establishments in successfully leveraging a key innovation – the DAiZO temperature screening kiosk for reopening their businesses safely. This automated touchless temperature screening system screens visitors within 2 – 3 seconds; quick results mean quick preventive action can be undertaken to keep the COVID-19 infections and spread at bay.


Temperature kiosks are non-intrusive, easy to design, setup, and implement and most importantly quite space-friendly. These systems even have a 1-year manufacturer warranty, are highly secure, and scalable, and helps businesses with their instant notification features. So, businesses can start leveraging this innovation to safely reopen their premises to their employees and clientele.


Are temperature screening kiosks helpful for office reopening during COVID-19?

Temperature screening kiosks measure individual body temperature in an automated, easy, quick, and reliable manner. The elevated temperature being the key indicator of COVID-19 infections, these kiosks notify businesses about individuals with potential risk for COVID infections.

Are temperature screening kiosks fast?

Yes, it takes only 2 to 3 seconds to measure individual body temperature in an efficient manner with temperature kiosks.

How accurate are the readings with temperature kiosks?

A temperature screening kiosk detects the heat radiating from the body. These kiosks are equipped for thermal imaging and are extremely powerful because they can measure temperatures accurately, without contact.