“Cities and states are supposed to provide efficient services to their citizens. At the same time, the Government is required to cut down the costs of administration. The answer to this demented scenario lies in the business automation process. Business process automation is a procedure involving the use of information technology to optimize resources and reduce turnaround time. “

For business needs, permits, licenses, and compliance are crucial parts of management and administration. However many times the process requires applicants to make one or more visits to the office, which can be a hassle for them given the norms of Covid-19, one is obliged to follow. Likely the things fall out of the lane, resulting in delayed processing of the application.

If your agency would like to process applications, build inspections, and plan reviews, promptly, it is helpful to use an online permit portal.

E-permit System in Regulatory Agencies

In a report released by the Exchange Network in December 2015, there are 6 e-permitting systems -from paper to more advanced versions forms for fostering permit process.

Paper: Paper e-permit system requires paper forms or documents to be filled and submitted manually. The paper filling accepts the documents or applications either through mails, couriers, etc. Similarly, the payments are done using physical modes. Many times, the data or record is held electronically but usually lacks the use of other electronic functionalities.

Electronic Forms: As the name suggests, electronic forms allow information or application to be processed online only. The applicant has to download the forms through a website and get them printed or fill the application electronically. For submitting the application, attachments are sent through emails. Even if the medium is electronic, the agencies may still use manual record-keeping to maintain information.

Online Submission: Using this e permitting portal, the applicant needs to fill the document or form using a web applicant form and submit it digitally. The flexibility in this system is that it allows you to go through the entire process at the comfort of your home. You don’t have to go out to the authority or agency for submitting the required documents, like in the paper system. Just upload the supporting documents and records and it is processed automatically. Similarly, the staff need not go through the hassles of data entries as everything is done electronically right away.

Integrated Online Submission: This system makes use of integrated shared platforms to allow fully electronic submission.

Automated Forms: To maintain the authenticity of the information, full electronic submission provides the advanced features to get accurate application submission. For instance, if the application is incorrect or incomplete, the web-based app will automatically reject the form. This automatic rejection or acceptance is done using algorithms meant to validate the data.

Fully Integrated Systems: The system full-fledged manages and automated all the crucial aspects of e-form- application downloading, attaching documents, making payment online, etc. Fully Integrated systems have features that offer a one-stop solution to permit information, centralized coordination, and data storage across permit types.

Online Permit Portals Benefit Both the Government and Citizens

The most efficient trustworthy part with modern-day technology is better response time. The necessity of online permit portals has increased ever after COVID-19. As a response to this, agencies have started opting for cloud-based technology to meet customer experience. Citizens, in turn, expect the same quality of digital service from the government as they do from commercial agencies.

So, the government is focusing on improving the customer experience by reducing the turnaround time, making the delivery of services at a cost-effective price, and building citizen’s faith.

For the government also, the e-permitting portal is a hassle-free mode of maintaining forms and documents. Every single data entry is recorded on a digital portal and can be accessed in a matter of seconds. Using an online permit portal, the government can automate and track the entire permitting process, right from the application download to the submission to the completion of the project.

Benefits of Online Permit Portals to Government and Citizens

Reduces costs: As the e-permit portal is completely automated, the accuracy of the data on the plans is improved while reducing the manpower or staff to process permit requests. Cloud-based systems replace traditional infrastructure, thereby freeing resources.

Results in fewer visits to the offices: No visits or calls to the government office, resulting in less physical contact.

Data transparency: The visibility of data across the platform, increases transparency and builds trust.

Improved accuracy of data: The system accepted data is less prone to error due to the use of an intensive IT system. Every part of the permit process is automated including fee calculation which ensures the authenticity of the data.

Supports business: Land developers, engineers, and other groups of people need to access all the information on their permits frequently, to review the status of the application process.

24/7 service: Unlike the traditional permit system, E-permitting portals work 24*7. You do not have to wait until the morning to get your document processed leading to higher satisfaction among the people who need immediate service for their work.

Apart from these above-mentioned benefits to citizens and the regulatory agencies, there are some intangible advantages which include environmental benefits and disaster readiness and planning. A cloud-based integrated e-permit portal can be accessed at any point in time and there is no threat of data loss unlike in paper permit systems.

Citizens will certainly appreciate being able to submit online permit applications with such ease.

Wrapping Up

The e-permitting portal is one of the efficient ways to pave the way for the growth and development of the community. Using online permit portals, the Government and citizens both can save time and resources and get permits applied and approved with ease.

Using Ignatiuz’s online permit portal, your agency will be able to cut turnaround times significantly and automate the tracking of the entire permitting process, right from the application submission to the completion of the project. The digital permit portal by Ignatiuz also helps ensure that all key stakeholders, be it agency staff or builders, or landowners, have complete visibility during the various stages of the process.

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